Should Mason Weaver Run for Congress?

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I asked if you have had enough – you said, “Yes!”

You have had enough of surrendering our national sovereignty. You have had enough of being taxed to death and even after death. You have had enough of achievement being punished. You have just had enough.
Someone has to tell them:
Reverse the bailouts, reduce taxes.
Drill for oil here and do it now.
Reward job creators and risk takers.
Marriage is not broken – don’t try to fix it.
Parents, families, government; in that order!


I have been a radio broadcaster, newspaper columnist, and public speaker for over 20 years and have not strayed from the principles. Congress cannot be persuaded – it must be changed.

Someone should stand:
Stand for Dignity!
Stand for Honor and Hope!
Stand for Passion, Love, and Family!
Stand for those too weak and frightened to stand for themselves.

I have talked to my family, my friends, and my business associates. They have given their opinions. Now I am asking you. Long time listeners, fans, associates, and supporters: Should I enter the United States Congressional race in San Diego County and give the people of the 53rd District a chance to take a stand and make a real choice?

19 thoughts on “Should Mason Weaver Run for Congress?

    Nyia Knight said:
    July 21, 2009 at 8:18 pm

    As you always tell me, pray about it! If it is pulling you, then maybe God is trying to tell you something…. I truly believe that you will make an astounding, prominent, and victorious Congressman!

    My vote is for: Mason Weaver, 53rd District Congressional LEADER!

    I’m prophetic..notice I wrote that you WILL make a great congressman! Amen~

    Natalie Welcome said:
    July 21, 2009 at 10:14 pm

    I support

    John Petree said:
    July 21, 2009 at 11:03 pm

    You know that I want you to enter the frey. I just love your message and the excitement that you generate around you is something that is needed in the House. I will also state unequivocally, if you enter the race you will will.

    Woodie Hurrin said:
    July 21, 2009 at 11:26 pm

    Mason Weaver, you go. I’ve been told I should run for Congress but unfortunately I have strayed in life so I would not make the cut.
    If your serious and think you can make a difference RUN MASON, RUN.

    stephanie said:
    July 22, 2009 at 1:11 am

    With all that is going on in Washington everyday, when I heard Mason speak to the RNC in North Carolina, something hit me. We need this man to stand up on the floor of Congress and say it as it is. I believe that Mason has right message the right heart and the right direction our Country desperately needs NOW!

    Do I think Mason should run for Congress, that is an emphatic YES!

    kelly said:
    August 11, 2009 at 8:00 pm


    Coach Steve said:
    August 14, 2009 at 5:54 pm


    Thank you for your obedient commitment. I am grateful for the Grace of God in our lives.

    I just blew the dust off my copy of “IT’S OK To LEAVE THE PLANTATION”. I have a total of 3 copies with me.

    I’d like to invite you to Dayton, Ohio someday soon. God Bless.

    In abundance,

    Kathy said:
    August 29, 2009 at 4:10 am


    YES YES, AND YES! You are one of the few men of character that I know for certain would remain the same person once you arrived inside the beltway. Oh, yes, please do run for congress and help us regain the freedom and liberty this country was founded upon.

    We’ve been asleep, as patriots and as Christians, but we are asleep no longer!

    God bless you, Sir.

    Steve Sloan said:
    September 2, 2009 at 6:39 pm

    When I heard you speak in Sacramento, CA.(Tea Party II) I was completly blown away. Your message reached down deep inside me to the truths I have always known.

    We need your voice now more than ever. The 53rd District is great, but I may not see you as often as I’d like.

    Please move here to California and run for Governor (We are in need of a replacement). It’s a great springboard for the presidency, just like Reagan did.

    I would certainly go door to door for you, voicing my support.

    Weaver/ Palin in 2012!

    All the best to you,


    Steve Sloan said:
    September 2, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    The 53rd District IS in San Diego! My error. That’s great news for Californian’s. I look forward to hearing more from you.


    Susan said:
    September 13, 2009 at 11:59 pm

    If you are called then you must. But you will need us to be your prayer warriors. Entering the political realm today is spiritual warfare.
    Prov. 3:5-6

    Alan said:
    September 14, 2009 at 9:27 pm

    I saw a clip of you speaking at the DC event today, and I have already becoming an avid supporter, you already join the ranks of Huckabee and John Thune as favorites in the political world, and I would love to hear one day, Congressman Mason Weaver.

    Valerie said:
    September 15, 2009 at 3:05 am

    We need men and women of principle in our government. I hope you do run and you win. I certainly enjoyed hearing from you on 9/12. I’m from Virginia and I look forward to helping to send representatives from Virginia to Washington in 2010 who will do what is right. They’ll need help from the next Congressman from the 53rd district in CA.

    tim said:
    September 16, 2009 at 11:23 am

    i’m not from California,i’m a Texan,but i’d love to see this man run for congress.hell ! i’d love to see him run for president! us true Texans ain’t that easy to win over,but i saw this man on fox news this morning.after his 10 minute spot on fox,i found myself looking him up on the internet.God speed Mr. Weaver,your state and country need you !

    Peter Ohle said:
    September 16, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    I heard you for the 1st time this morning on FOX regarding Maureen Dowd’s comments. I was duly impressed by your common sense evaluation of the situation and calling it exactly as it is. I was raised with the idea that emotions are transient and don’t do anything to promote success or change in the real world.

    I fully support your bid for Congress and offer any support you can use to get there. We need more clear thinkers and charismatic personalities that will win back our society for freedom and the princicples this great nation was founded on.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Amanda said:
    September 16, 2009 at 4:30 pm

    I am not usually a fan of politicians, but if you run I will do all I can to support you. We need someone like you in office because I believe you will not be corrupted like most politicians.

    Keep up the good work Mason – this country needs you to help restore our freedom!

    Susan said:
    September 16, 2009 at 10:58 pm

    This country would be blessed if Mason Weaver were elected to the US congress. His intelligence and common sense would certainly be a rare commodity in those halls, but oh, how we lovers of freedom and small government would appreciate it! Could we clone him? Send one to North Carolina!

    Yolanda said:
    November 5, 2009 at 3:15 am

    This is the guy that said “slavery was a choice”..what a nutbag. He disgusts me.

    masonweaver responded:
    November 5, 2009 at 11:18 am

    Yolanda, it is half informed, emotionally driven people like you that has caused the nation so much grief. Taking one phrase I wrote about the “mind set” of slavery versus the prisoner and attribute it to “slavery was a choice” is ridiculous and sad. Any simple review of my newspaper columns, history, activism, speeches, radio programs, television appearances or public statements would have revealed to you what I meant.

    But for you to suggest I disgust you while you do not even know me could indicates your inability to understand evidence; let me try anyway. The slave did not have to be tied up at night with chains because “mentality” he had accepted his position as a slave. You had individuals on the plantation who fought back and resisted. They burned the fields, killed the animals, attacked the owners, escaped the plantation and helped others do the same. They were the ones Master had to hunt down, they were the ones needing the chains and the whips. They were never slaves mentality, they founded the Underground Railroad, they learned to read and write, they taught their children to seek freedom.

    My comments were meant to encourage the “prisoners” to continue to seek a way out off the plantation. The plantation managers (and you see them all around you today) only want you to be safe, fed and housed on the plantation. This is the topic of my second book “The Rope!” the difference between a prisoner and a slave. My first book, “It’s ok to Leave the Plantation” explores the modern day plantation and I encourage you to get a copy and find out what I think before I disguse you. Then you will have enough evidence to be disgusted by me. I then wrote two other books to build up the person “Diamond in the Rough” and then “Polishing the Diamond in the Rough” and early next year I will release the final book bringing the entire story home, “The Science of Motivation”. I encourage you to seek the knowledge and advice within.

    Of course the physical condition of slavery was not a choice no more than a person being abused today chooses to be in that state. I allowed your comments on this blog so I could respond to others seeking an explanation. I pray that you seek answers to your questions before you get disgusted, it will make life a lot less stressful. Take care C. Mason Weaver for Congress!

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